Friday, February 26, 2010
15 Months (2)
Something else I forgot, he has pretty much given up the pacifier in favor of his thumb. It started a few weeks ago when I didn't give him the paci fast enough he would use his thumb and we just gradually stopped offering the paci so now he uses his thumb. It's a lot more convenient and the pedi has said before that she'd rather he used it.
15 Months!
Joshua now only has to be in his stander for 20 minutes per day. He got a walker, a brand new one from the PT./K509.html"> He should be in it for a few minutes at a time and just walk a few steps. The PT really thinks it is a reachable goal for him to be walking a few steps by himself by Easter. She was very happy to hear he’s going to Epworth preschool next week. She knew about it but didn’t know it was still open, I guess she hadn’t been there in a long time.
He had his 15 month well visit today. He’s 23lbs (25th%), 30in. (20th%) and his head circ. Is 48cm (70th%). The Pedi was very pleased that he has an appt. next month at developmental peds, we are all surprised the wait was so short. She said the appt. is usually quite long, it’s a play based evaluation; they want to see what he can do. Overall she was happy that he’s improving, she’d never heard of Epworth preschool but is excited about it for us.
I can’t believe he’s starting preschool on Tuesday, that my Mom is moving to Columbia next weekend and she will be 1 mile from the preschool! It really does feel like it was all meant to be, it fell into place so easily. Thank you, G-d!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Some more news is that our pediatrician referred us to a developmental pediatrician. All the paperwork has been completed and we should be hearing from them soon. There is a pretty long waiting list so it will be months before we go and maybe by then he won't need it, who knows. I think the next thing to work on after PT will be ST & OT. He is very close to pulling up, getting on his knees a lot.
Next week we are going to see a preschool for kids with developmental delays, they take kids ages 1 & up so if there's room he could start going soon. It would only be 1 or 2 mornings a week to start out with. It's the only one like it in the state (SC) and happens to be in my city, downtown. It's through Epworth which does EI in addition to the preschool. I'm very excited about it.
The PT says Joshua only needs to be in his stander for 30 minutes a day now; two times 15 minutes each. She wants us to work with him on using his left side more. He favors his right hand and uses it more. She is pleased with his progress overall.